Rumors of War

Rumors of War
by Kehinde Wiley examining equestrian portraiture in the canon of Western art history[1] culminating in a bronze monumental equestrian statue by the artist of an African-American young man (with dreadlocks in a ponytail, jeans ripped at the knees and Nike high-top sneakers), created in response to the statue of Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart in Richmond, Virginia in particular and similar statues of high-ranking Confederate Army officers, some of which still stand in the United States despite persistent calls for their removal.[2] Since the installation of Rumors of War in Richmond, all of the statues of the military leaders of the Confederacy have been removed from Monument Avenue where they had been since the first decade of the 20th century.
From Wikipedia

Photographed on 27 December 2025 at the Virginia Museum of Fine Art, Richmond

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

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